


“At the foot of the Pyramid – 300 years of the Cemetery for Foreigners in Rome” an exhibition of historical images of the Cemetery by artists such as Turner, Corrodi, Pinelli and Munch.

At the Casa di Goethe in Via del Corso, Rome: Friday 23 September to Sunday 13 November.

Opening of the exhibition at the Casa di Goethe Thursday 22 September.

See Cemetery website for further information:

New discoveries, above and below ground, at the Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome:
a lecture by Nicholas Stanley-Price and Pier Matteo Barone
at the American University of Rome

For 300 years (1716-2016) non-Catholic foreigners who died in Rome have been buried in their own cemetery in front of the Pyramid of Caius Cestius. The Old Cemetery, in use mainly from 1716 to 1822, contains some 60 dated gravestones from that period; but there were other people buried there whose graves either had no gravestone or were later destroyed. In 2015 a Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey of the Old Cemetery aimed to identify unmarked graves and other sub-surface features that might affect management of the area. Pier Matteo Barone will present preliminary results of the survey. Of the 60 dated gravestones, about one quarter can be identified with young men who were probably in Rome on a Grand Tour when they died. The accounts of 19th century visitors to the Cemetery showed little interest in these graves; but in fact they reveal much about the realities of the Grand Tour and the history of foreigners in Rome. See for further details.

Lecture at the American University of Rome: Thursday 24 March

Exhibition of artworks inspired by John Keats by Claudia Piscitelli. The exhibition will coincide with a similar one by the artist at West Hampstead Library situated near the Keats House in London.

Garden Room of the Cemetery – The exhibition can be visited during Cemetery opening hours from Thursday 21 April to Wednesday 15 June. See for opening times.

Opening of exhibition: Thursday 21 April 6.00 – 7.30 pm.

No entry charge but a donation of at least €3 is much welcome.

Presentation of the book “Irish Rome by Vittorio and Roswitha Di Martino (Arbor Sapientiae Editore). The Irish Ambassador will be present.

Garden Room of the Cemetery: Saturday 14 May 10.00.

Entrance is free but a donation for the upkeep of the Cemetery is always welcome.

Theatrical performance “Readings from the Rome scenes and other parts of George Eliot’s Middlemarch  selected by Mark Irvine, performed by Rory Stuart, Janet Hague, Rosie Hillesley, Michael Fitzpatrick, Jim McManus and Shelagh Stuchbery. The event will be in English.

The English Victorian novelist Marian Evans, who used the male pen-name George Eliot so she would be “taken more seriously” by the reading public of the time visited the Cemetery with her partner the biographer of Goethe George Henry Lewes in April 1860. Eliot and Lewes’s relationship caused a sensation in English society at the time because Lewes was married to another woman. Mark Irvine has put together another scintillating collection of readings by and about these two fascinating individuals that will both inform and entertain.

Cemetery Chapel: Thursday 23 June at 6.00 pm.

For free tickets (donations for the upkeep of the Cemetery are welcome) send names to and invitations for the first 80 seats will follow.